Saturday, July 29, 2017

MAT 671 assignment 3A

One event during my education where I was inspired to perform was as a fourth grader during an oral language competition. I memorized a poem titled “My father’s hands” it was a long poem. I love poems so It was easy for me to memorize and I did ok reciting it, but I was nervous in front of a crowd. I still like the opportunity I had to recite the poem and take steps in overcoming my stage freight. After that experience, I was at ease in assignments that required me to present in front of the class.  

One event during my education that completely deflated me was in college when I had to create a power point and present in class. During my beginning years of college, I had no idea about technology or how to even begin to create a power point. The assignment was stressful and overwhelming. Once I completed and presented my assignment, I was glad that I did not allow the assignment to defeat me. I completed the assignment well and was grateful that my professor had us complete an assignment using this tool that I currently use frequently.

From my experiences as a student, I think I will encourage, guide and offer learning opportunities that will help my students take educational risk. I want to provide learning experiences that are new to my students and help them feel confident in completing the assignment.


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